The upcoming Michael Jackson biopic film, titled "Michael" and directed by Antoine Fuqua with a script by John Logan, has been steadily advancing in...
Actor Chance Perdomo, widely recognized for his portrayal in the Netflix horror series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, tragically passed away in a motorcycle accident...
A24's "Love Lies Bleeding," a lesbian bodybuilder thriller, features Kristen Stewart and Katy O'Brian ("The Mandalorian," "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania") as star-crossed lovers...
Finlay Anderson and Marie-Louise Nicholson clinched the Gladiators championship title after Saturday night's grand finale.
The duo outpaced their competitors, Wesley Male and Bronte Jones,...
Vanessa Carlton took a moment to honor professional hockey player John Carlson of the Washington Capitals over the weekend, celebrating his achievement of playing...
Rumors swirling around a potential collaboration between Johnny Depp and Sydney Sweeney in an upcoming film, Day Drinker have met a swift response from Sweeney...